Ha'penny Bridge.

Ha'penny Bridge.

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Tuesday 4 October 2011

Welcome Note!

Hi all, this is my very first blog and my very first time to set up a blog!!
I thought it would be interesting to get peoples opinions of what they feel are good restaurants, clubs, pubs, venues, or visitor sites in Dublin which they consider to be "Hot Spots" or places people should go and experience!!!!
But if people have other places that may be outside of Dublin you are also welcome to mention them too!
I hope that this may be an informative view on the positive side of Dublin and offer people a 'from the horses mouth' view or opinion of places around Dublin from peoples experiences!!
Thank you for any contributions you may have!!

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog Mark.

    If anyone is around Leeson Street area, try the chicken wings (and anything else on the menu) at The Canal Bank Cafe!
    @ http://www.tribeca.ie/cbc_pages/cbc_index.html

    Very relaxed atmosphere, great food and a good buzz about it.....good company also helps!


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